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What Makes the OOH an interesting Advertisement tool?

Out-Of-Home (OOH) Advertising, Outdoor Advertising, Outdoor Media, Out-Of-Home Media or just OOH, which is nothing but, a chance to advertise your products, services, and deliverables; out loud to the world and an excellent opportunity to enrich your brand awareness. So, to put it in simple words, “whatever advertisements we experience outside our home is OOH Advertising”.

OOH media allows advertisers to enjoy extended engagement with audiences in many ways that other mediums simply cannot match. People are spending more and more time out of their homes while they are working, shopping, or socializing and it's becoming increasingly difficult for brands to engage with them. One top-notch solution for the above problem is OOH advertising. By using this platform, it is impossible for any individual, not to see the attractive displays. It is said that the OOH will enhance your overall advertising experience and will enrich your reach and ROI in the local market.

OOH advertising is done at various levels, it is mostly classified based on the medium used, so there are 4 major categories,

  • Billboards - Large format advertising that is standardized in displays and designed to be viewed from more than 50 feet distance such as Bulletins, Digital Billboards, Posters, etc.

  • Street furniture - Advertising displays, many of which perform a public service, are placed near pedestrians and shoppers for eye-level viewing or at the roadside to influence car traffic such as Bus Shelters, Bicycle Racks, Kiosks, etc.

  • Transit - Ad Affixed to moving vehicles 
  • Alternative - Advertisement done anywhere you could imagine such as Gas Station Advertising, Place-based advertising, stadium, and arena advertising

We know what you're thinking- all advertising media are boring. And that's just because you haven't happened to come across one of the many different opportunities offered by outdoor advertising. From billboards, public transit posters, and sidewalk signs, to buses, trains, phone booths, and street furniture. There is no shortage of options for advertisers. Outdoor advertising offers a unique opportunity to advertise in the physical world while driving people back online for more information or action.

Do you sell a product or service that exists in a competitive Chennai market? If so, then why not try to market your business using outdoor advertising in Chennai? OOH advertising allows you to place your advertising in public places (Bus Shelters). It is an excellent way to advertise your business and reach customers while they are out and about.

Why you will love to advertise your brand in OOH medium?

  • To give a spectacular view for your brand with the Local flavor which creates an impact

  • Difficult for people to avoid the message which drives online engagement and generates consumer action
  • Cost-effective, Advertised in the public medium
  • The penetration of private transport is increasing
  • Word of Mouth generation
  • Will increase your walk-in/footfall and traffic
  • Continues to innovate every time

How was OOH framed?

To know more about advertising, let’s stir our history a little bit, say the earliest civilization, 1000 years back. It was found that the Egyptians used big-tall Obelisks stones to publicize their Laws and Treaties, so that even a common individual is familiarized with the Rules and Regulations of their Kingdom. 

During the 1450s advertising was done in the form of handbill mode and then in 1796, it was improved to an Illustrated poster format. Initially, roadside advertising was on the roll, where merchants painted signs of the brands or glued posters on the walls and fences to let the local people know about their products. In the 1990s, the OOH media took various formats in advertising ranging from Billboards, street furniture to the digital LED displays.

Present OOH

Even though advertising modes have evolved over the years, out-of-home advertising is still a popular kind of advertising even today. The OOH campaign has evolved tremendously over time. 

The content and relevance are mostly focused on a particular audience. With people's attention spans dwindling, it's no surprise that more and more imaginative mediums and tactics are being used in OOH advertisements. The most recent innovation is 3D billboards, which are attracting good attention from passersby all around the world.

Awaiting Future OOH

Mankind is experimenting with technologies consistently and in the coming years, this would be revealed through OOH. Zero limits for Creativity and Innovation. Rising costs and market saturation for online businesses are constantly a cause for concern, but there is still plenty of room in the Chennai market. With an exponentially growing population and high quality of life, Chennai remains a great place to do business. 

There are already DOOH, 3D displays in the OOH medium, in the future, the OOH industry will go beyond its territory and make the dream come true projects, which are/ will be so attractive, even for a common man it is going to be simply hard to pass by without thinking about the product and the brand. As of now, we don’t have any metrics to measure the OOH media, but in the near future, the level of impact and impression will be high, and everything will have measurements, where we can literally measure how many people have seen our OOH ad, how many interacted, and so on.

One of the BEST forms of OOH Media is Street Furniture Advertisement.

There are many ways to advertise using street furniture, but BQS is found to be effective of all. Want to know why? Continue your reading,

Bus Queue Shelters (BQS) Advertisements

Advertisements are done at the protected waiting area at numerous Bus Stops throughout Chennai city. A static medium where the campaigns run for a longer duration.

This is an amazingly effective medium to reach your segment audiences and grab their attention with the huge display of advertisements. Here, the passengers waiting at the bus stops and passers-by will observe the advertisements that are erected on the bus stops. They create a wide impact on the visibility of the brands and reach a wide range of targeted audiences. 

Why should you choose BQS?

  • This gives an unskippable Brand view, 24*7 display of Brand
  • Reach the Mass audience in no time
  • Speaks more about the Brand and its products
  • Displayed at prime targets locations based on the classified segments
  • Enhance the overall impact of a multi-platform advertising campaign that includes television, radio, print, and the internet.
  • Campaigns run for a longer duration
  • An exclusive opportunity for your brand to be promoted in a Grand Gesture.

Specialties of NEXT in BQS medium -

  • We are the Only authorized legal BQS medium with 10+ years of experience in the Market
  • Impeccable creative team to generate innovative ideas for campaigns
  • BQS advertising is done at the prime locations in the Chennai city
  • We will give you a heads up about the prime locations where you promote and what is so special
  • We are the Godfather of BQS - OOH in Chennai.
  • Best OOH service and support in Chennai
  • More than 100+ trusted brands
Looking for a NEXT big shout-out, you are just one step away from the big treats of all time, search no more you have us, The NEXT Outdoor.

To learn more about our services and media options or to obtain a free quote, please visit our website at


Your Outdoor Media Partner




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